The Memorandum on Cooperation in the Field of Legal Education as part of the project of establishment and development of the International Academy of Law, Switzerland, was signed on December 5, 2018 by S. Stepashin, Co-Chairman of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, V. Blazheev, Rector of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), A.Torkunov, Rector of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University), V. Mau, Rector of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), and T. Khabrieva, Director of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation.









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Since its launch, the Beringoff International Academy of Law project, despite the constraints caused by the coronavirus pandemic, has been working extensively on the creation of the global partnership infrastructure. The main purpose of such an approach is to create a favourable educational and research potential that will serve as a source of knowledge and competences and the basis for our students and attendees and teaching staff, on which we can build new interesting programs in international law and business administration. The Academy has continued to create new and develop existing relations with Russian and overseas universities, associations, organizations, and companies interested to actively use educational tools to increase corporate efficiency. We have been able to move beyond the initial stage of building up our professional capacities and capabilities and to launch in 2021 our first joint bilateral and trilateral educational programmes.

– The Academy has become a member of the MBA programme in cooperation with the Saint Petersburg Business School of IMISP and Astana IT University (Kazakhstan). In this innovative combined programme, we present an educational module that will be linked to intellectual property rights in IT. – The Academy, together with the Rospatent, has launched a program of advanced training in Legal Regulation of Patent Relations. – The parameters and specific details of international short training programmes have been agreed with Indian corporations and universities in the areas of financial law, dispute settlement, arbitration, countering cybercrime in banking, finance and investment. The first such programme will be launched in the first half of 2022. Part of the program is conducted online, other part – during a week in offline mode – at Instituts educational facilities in Montreux and Geneva. – Beringoff International Academy of Law keeps working on creating short programmes for leaders in international sports law, in cooperation with the Universities of São Paulo (Brazil), the Pelé Foundation (Brazil) and Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), from Qatar. The Academy will play the main managing role here. – The year 2021 has been marked, for the Academy, by a new period in developing international cooperation, promoting the brand in other regions, scaling up our activity and promoting our educational competences. It was agreed to launch a large educational project in India, in early 2022, which will ensure the start of work of the Beringoff International Academy of Law in one of the two largest countries of the world in terms of population and number of students. Starting in January 2022, a partner educational network will operate throughout this huge country with a population of about 1.5 billion people, and this network will ensure the involvement of local attendees and senior students in advanced training programmes in international law. The programmes will be conducted in two formats – offline and online. Offline part will be held at Beringoff International Academy of Law sites in Switzerland, as well as at our partners’ sites. These include, first and foremost, programmes of international financial, environmental and sports law. The most important element of the Swiss segment that the Institute will provide the internship of the attendees in industry centres, international organizations, banks, and Swiss corporations. All the above programmes will be taught in English. – Today, the Academy is developing dynamic relations with universities, academies and business schools, and educational companies from Switzerland, France, Czech Republic, United Arab Emirates, England, Austria, Brazil, USA, India, Qatar, China, Saudi Arabia. In practical terms, with the educational institutions mentioned above options are being considered for the creation of joint master’s degree and short-term programmes and special educational activities (summer and winter education platforms, international conferences and seminars). – Active participation in international educational exhibitions and conferences is an important aspect and tool of our work. The Academy participated in a number of such events. – The Academy received an exclusive invitation to participate offline in one of the world’s largest educational forums, WISE Global Forum 2021, which traditionally takes place in Doha, the capital of Qatar. This is the country, and these are the two leading universities – Qatar University and Hamad Bin Khalifa University – with which a long-standing business relationship in education is being developed. This is particularly true in the area of international sports law, which is of particular interest to Qatar, as it has become one of the largest centers in Asia for organizing and hosting global forums and sporting events of the highest level. At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2021, our Institute signed an agreement on cooperation with the influential International Center for Sport Security based in Doha. – The epidemic has slightly slowed down the process of building partnerships. Among other things, this was due to the past ten-months experience of many universities and students at different levels that has shown that online education everywhere is far inferior in quality to the education which is in traditional form but based on innovational principles, exchange of experience, practicing and research in close cooperation with teachers, professors and speakers of the highest qualifications. Everyone is forced to promptly adjust to the situation, as well as look for new formats of knowledge and experience transfer to students and attendees. – Taking into account all the experience gained in recent years, the Academy is steadily continuing to create internal and external conditions for its progressive development. Based upon the positive dynamics, in the first quarter of the coming year we will have programmes at all levels of education, individually or jointly with other Russian and foreign universities, bachelor’s degree programmes, master’s degree programmes, short-term programmes for leaders of the legal industry, mixed formats of high-level programmes with internal modules from international law and business administration, a set of educational activities for specialists of different levels – winter and summer schools, conferences, seminars, panel thematic discussions. – A subject of particular interest to all our foreign partners, which seems to be potentially useful, and for which it seems to be good time to be developed proactively, is the creation of research and analytical laboratories for international legislation and comparative law studies as part of our project. This topic is seen by many as particularly relevant in a rapidly changing world, with profound structural changes taking place in many countries. – By the end of 2021, the Beringoff International Academy of Law signed more than twenty cooperation and partnership agreements with universities, business schools, organizations, corporations and companies from Russia, Switzerland, United States, Austria, Brazil, India and Qatar. The Institute is increasing its global interaction and presence, becoming a recognized and active stakeholer in the development of innovative educational processes.